Sunday, September 28, 2003

The Potion Maker
eiraggibium is an opaque, soapy black liquid extracted from the sap of a stunted oak.
Mix with eiraggi! Username:
Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern

Ég segi nú bara eins og Stína, þetta hlaut að vera svart, þetta er nú ekki alvitlaust.
Prófa nú að blanda eiraggibium við hennar kristivium
The Potion Maker
eiraggibium is an opaque, soapy black liquid extracted from the sap of a stunted oak.
kristivium is an opaque, thin red liquid extracted from the eyeballs of a doppelganger.
Mixing eiraggibium with kristivium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing an opaque black potion which gives the user protection from electric shocks.
Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern

Vá, ég fæ að ráða litnum en eins og einhverjum gat dottið í hug þá er útkoman stórhættuleg!

Og svo við Röggu
The Potion Maker
eiraggibium is an opaque, soapy black liquid extracted from the sap of a stunted oak.
rakreillium is a milky, pasty black gel drawn from the pollen of a burning bush.
Mixing eiraggibium with rakreillium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing a milky sky blue potion which gives the user protection from death.
Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern

Hmmmm hvað fólki getur nú ekki dottið í hug, það er nú ekki margt held ég!
The Potion Maker
eiraggibium is an opaque, soapy black liquid extracted from the sap of a stunted oak.
Mix with eiraggi! Username:
Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern

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