Núna var það Led Zeppelin testið. og var ég:
You are a beautiful person, in a wistful kind of way. If you could, you would spend all your time daydreaming and writing poetry. You are a tragic beauty.
You are sensitive and caring, and you don't take insults well. You don't smile much, but when you do, you really mean it.
People like to be around you because you are a calming influence. You have an appreciation for all things beautiful, and you probably have some potted plants. You also most likely own a cat.
You like Sundays and hot tea. You will spend your entire life yearning for quiet beauty, which is a rarity in this world, so you read a lot.
Everyone you know thinks you're "nice."
Take the Which Led Zeppelin Song Are You? Quiz
Reyndar held ég að það hafi verið brögð í tafli þar sem ég get ekki betur séð en að ég hefði átt að fá hina hlálegu "Stairway to Heaven" niðurstöðu:
Stairway To Heaven
You're probably really satisfied at this result. Why? Because it's the only Led Zeppelin song you've ever heard. You are a Top 40 junkie, although you probably think you're hip because you listen to "underground", "cool" bands like Dave Matthews and Radiohead. Frankly, my dear, you are a fad.
You wear Old Navy. You follow all the trends. You answered all the quiz questions with the most boring, uninspired choices. You are probably really popular. People who know nothing will always consider you really cool, but the people who really matter will not care much about you because there are way more people out there who are more interesting than you are.
Hmmm... annað hvort klikkaði þetta próf á mér eins og flest próf virðast gera eða ég er bara ekki jafn boring og ég stundum held að ég sé. Eða kannski að þeir sem fá Stairway niðurstöðuna séu bara enn meiri aular en ég. Vá!!!
En by the way: Stundum þoli ég ekki ýmislegt eins og þegar ég spyr einhvern í sms hvort hann hafi farið eitthvað og fæ bara aulalegt "HA" til baka sem svar. Aulinn hann ég fer síðan bara í bíó en ekkert partí. SMS, ha? Fæ síðan seint og um síðir að vita að ég hafi misst af einhverju rosalegu djammi. Ég þoli þetta ekki. en éesv gæti ég trúað.
Kannski er þetta síðasta bloggið mitt.
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