Monday, December 05, 2005


1. When is the last time you moved?

Nóvember 2001 minnir mig

2. How many times in your life have you moved?

Þrisvar held ég bara

3. In your opinion, what is the worst thing about moving?

Safna saman öllu þessu helvítis drasli og koma því fyrir á nýjum stað

4. What is the most exciting thing about moving?

Að borða pizzu í nýrri íbúð!

5. If you've lived in the same place all your life, do you plan to move in the future?

Á líkklega ekki við

6. Do you WANT to move somewhere else; if so, where?

Æ veit ekki en þarf að flytja fljótlega

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